New Beginnings

Big decisions are often made at the best, and at the very worst time possible. They are the ones that you take not knowing if they are going to be pivotal, or if they are just another part of mundane existence. Maybe your next meal is going to be a massive discovery that turns you vegetarian, or perhaps it is just another meal; fuel for existence.

I was in front of a sink, finger on the pull-ring of the can of beer I was about to drink, feeling a bit sick and a bit dizzy, in a lot of pain due to a long bout of excess over the last few months - when momentarily everything slipped away and I had a loud and clear voice come through the haze surrounding me. My voice.

"What in seven shades of Hell are you doing?" 

Something snapped; the whole can got poured down the sink.

Decisions were made - as the memes regularly tell us.

I spend my life telling the kids I teach that everything in life is a choice - either of what to do, or how to take the cards you've been dealt. It has taken me a long time to take the advice I have so freely given out to everyone else.

I have no intention whatsoever of turning into one of those overly preachy irritating people that need to evangelize about the benefits of their chosen lifestyle; the intention of writing here has always been to avoid cliché.  'An' it harm none, do what ye will'

It is, in part, why I deleted all previous posts here and in other blogs. Shower thoughts for the piss-pot philosopher needed to be gone, and I needed to start afresh somewhere. I have taken all references to the blog from social media, so whatever audience happens here will be from its own merit. The same is happening on the music front. Anyone that wants to listen will find me either through chance or through recommendation. How it should be. No pushing, no plugging, just through it's own value.

A new life starts here.
